Saturday, January 27, 2007
Its not cooler even if you don't put any clothes on...
41 degrees here now..i shant go into description of the weather. The boyfriend now is the weather man..calling the forecast every few minutes to check the exact tempreture. He is obsessed.
Even the fan at home blows hot air...i perspire while cooking, i perspire once i stepped out of the shower, i perspire just sitting there..i perspire just not doing anything at all. Anyone finds a girl perspiring attractive? hahaha..
Anyway, i never really thought Australia was racist..until i found it so hard to get a job at one of those ang moh places (cafes, fast food restaurants etc.) So where did i end up at? The chinese food court outlet called Wok Inn in school. Pretty neat, i get to work the cash register,something i've been wanting to do since i was a baby. i get to plop the food on the dishes ala chum chai fan style, and i get to meet people! Bad point is..i got to clean the floor :( 10 minutes lunch break and pay is $12/hr. But its near my lectures scheduled Mon and Tues, then Wed and Thur is for Wok Inn.
Just when i thought i had to go back to Chin's to work..voila,suddenly i am piled with jobs. because my house mate Brooks who works at Dome, 15 mins bus ride away told me her manager will be calling me for an interview soon. I went knocking on their door last week, only to be rejected. but now, suddenly their workers quit and they need me! They pay $15 or $16 i think :p Now i feel bad if i have to reject Wok Inn, because these chinese places..they were always very nice to me, and none of them ever rejected me. Whereas the ang moh places..had to climb so many hurdles, knock so many doors and get turned away. the chinese places were all very efficient.
Latest update on the japanese front..she's lying low now i suppose. After the landlord came to have a 'show-down' with her. Of course, her boyfriend was here to speak up for her. Basically, the landlord told her if she wants to continue her lease, she got to learn to live in harmony. Because she told the landlord she wants to continue her lease on the condition that i go out. I cant understand where had i pissed her off. My boyfriend treats our house at most as a restaurant ONLY. Her boyfriend treats ours like a brothel! Which is worse? Don't think i don't know...her room lights go on then off, then on after twenty minutes or so. And he cooks in MY kitchen!! So who is invading now?
The toilet paper appears when her boyfriend is here, then disappears when its gone. This is a major point when i have been filling up the toilet paper, and she takes NO initiative to fill it up. Been using mine, and actually WANTED me to pay my share for HER toilet paper.
But well, at least her boyfriend is much more friendly and polite than her. And so i refuse to slam back the door when he is here (she does that to us when my boyfriend is here). I wonder why is he with her. Perhaps the xxx is good, and maybe he just wanted that and not a talker since her english isnt that terrific. Then again, how can the xxx be good when she wear granny girdles, and beige huge cup bras? ok, i am being a bitch here. But its so fun reading gossip isnt it?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Now i understand why some chinese still hate japanese..

The fridge...all levels minus the first top left and right bottom level is ALL MINE!! Muahahaa...
There are two fridges in the house, and that rocks. No fighting! Although the japanese is very selfish..she has one whole fridge to herself. Can you believe it? The ang moh was very nice to make space for me. Funny thing was, there was SO MUCH space in the fridge, she squeezed all her stuff into a tiny corner near the topest part in the freezer.
The shelf is mine. Speaking of which, i saw a mouse scurrying across in the supermarket yesterday!! hahaa..the mouse is very tiny...cute..if it was a rat, i would freak.Coz rats are too big. But yes, that supermarket i dont frequent often...its more expensive (cause it operates longer hours) and well, another reason not to go. Mickey lives there.
Laundry area.
Living room/Dining/kitchen
The view from my bed room. If i was a guy, i will be seeing all the lovely ladies asses when they are hanging their clothes to dry. Actually, i am already doing that. hahaaa
The view outside my door.
My bedroom. Very self contained. Again, must thank Yi Sheng for the Tv.
Surprisingly cold in summer at times! I love my leopard slippers.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
After a year, who's going to remember moi?
Thankfully, i wasnt never an internet addict. Also, for the fact, i am not man. Phew...hahaa
Anyway, in my new house now..would say i prefer staying in the hostel. Much more convinient (internet set up etc.) But the house has its merits...super ultra quiet (scary), much cooler than the hostel (amazingly its cold in summer!), my own laundry hanging area, lots of food storage place (hahaha, my favourite hang out place is the supermarket, remember?)
Annnd...i have found a store that allows me to scoop however much millet, oats, brown rice, green beans i want. Mostly costing about $1.90 per kg. Healthier choices were never that cheap in Singapore!
new housemates no.1: australian, pretty 19 year old. Brooks..if you say it fast, sounds like Boobs.
very easy going, i like her generally.
new housemate no.2: japanese, ang moh boyfriend. i like her boyfriend better than her. she is very should i say it...particular..yes,particular and assertive for a japanese. Not very friendly either. But, she is rather diplomatic, you can see she isnt easy. She makes a general comment that she doesnt like your certain habit, and then very quickly changes the topic and asks you about your day.
There is a difference if you are nice but frank and you being a bitch.
P.S will try to get pictures of my new place
on a hiatus for a while
Came early to use the internet..but now i have left 8 minutes to class, and i need to make a choice between typing more here or going to the toilet.
i've decided to go to the toilet and then call Leftbank at Fremantle for a job that pays $21/ hr. Waitressing. I only need to work one day, and it will pay for my week's groceries man....
Off to the loo now..adios!