My driving test is about 3 weeks now.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I made apple struddel.
My driving test is about 3 weeks now.
Monday, February 19, 2007
First Day of School
I shouldn’t have quit Chin’s Noodles before Chinese New Year, who knows, I would have scored some ang paos there. Today is the first day of new year, and we saw patrons giving ang paos to all the waitresses/waiters at this Chinese tim sum restaurant in the city!! Damn….and it was alvin’s treat J Finally, we got to have a ‘date’. Just me and him, and boy have he turned so bitchy. Hahaa, but all the more fun to hang out with now.
That was my first time having tim sum in Australia, but no, it cant beat Yum Cha with Weibin. But it was filling though. Because Wei Xiang call his mother last night to tell her how pitiful her son was, eating home cooked pasta on reunion dinner night, so his mother asked him to have a good lunch today and so he asked me along!
It was a nice ‘date’, started with church, then went to see his house and get my things. His room is 2mx2m!! Even smaller than my student hostel! Made me love my current house even more now. Although I didn’t have the master bedroom (damn shiok! Got own bathroom and parquet floor with lots of space), but its much better than his room. But of course, his house is located in the city and his room costs $80 per week, sooooo yeah it evens out.
Then he brought me to his school, UWA to take a walk. Finishing the day with an enjoyable tim sum lunch.
First time ever since I am here, I actually miss home. And its on Chinese New Year eve! My reunion dinner wasn’t too bad here, had sashimi, scallops, prawns, steamboat (and I didn’t even have to pay! Amen.), even had a glass of really nice red wine (seldom I find nice wine). But still, it doesn’t beat family.
The girls at church even bought after dinner sweets. Passionfruit, Pistachew, Pear Chocolate...unique flavours.
Mountains of food.
I like this.
Do i look like an ant or a bee? The boyfriend says so. I can perfectly park parallel now! That is, if there is only one car i have to park behind and not in between cars. One woman was tail gating me today in my lesson...quite scary. And the boyfriend got slapped with a yellow sticker by the police...stupid racist story on that one.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Dedicated to Norman
What i have to say about Norman is, i never got used to call him Norman, i prefer him as Kai xun, but now that name sounds weird on my tongue. He is my childhood friend who never leaves, who i found his butt IS black ten years ago, who bought me the nicest sweater ever, who actually has not bad taste in female's fashion, who is funny, who can listen, who wrote me a love letter i regret deleting because i panicked (disgusted. hahahaa!) who is a friend i treasure. He is also handsome and strong...but...there's always a but....short and has rotting feet.
Don't worry, Norman..none of my hot friends read my blog. (fingers crossed)
We've been through so much...from ghost stories, to fighting for toilets. Its just great! Come here for a cuddle.
Although there were times we drifted in and out with each other, we know through birthdays and weddings, through sorrows and happiness, we both will be there.
Which reminds me, i really do treasure all my church friends very much. Especially Dixi, Weibin (who will always wine and dine me, with no motives), Xinci, Lingfeng (my dancing partner who goes on to be a faggot salsa king now), even Jie Ying and YY have touched me in someway or another. You realised this batch of friends all use chinese names! Except me! I was never called by my chinese name...except by the sunday school teachers.
So yes Norman, this is dedicated to you since you are a fan of my blog ;p
Your true fantasy picture.........................................................................

62nd post
Also, nice shows over the weekend!! Its been quite a while since i am so busy...but i like it! Been sitting on my ass, staring into blank space for too long.
Going into autumn now, and its just so nice experiencing four seasons!Thankfully, they're not harsh changes. Like France which i just spent my dec holidays in. My friend experienced -25 in Canada and he said give him Singapore's weather at any time.
SO,my last day of being a receiptionist..guess what i found on my desk when i came in? A cheque for a MILLION DOLLARS!!! manager gave me a gift, prettily tied with a bow and card AND chocolates! So sweet...but i wonder if i offended her though (probably not, since she laughed). I asked " Did you give this to me?" Didnt ask her face to face, just shouted over. She asked "What?" Then i said : This bush!" I said bush because...i thought the bush was a wrapping decorative over a box or looks like you know...those christmas decorations, so i thought she used last christmas decorations to wrap my present!
Later did i know it was a scarf!!! When you see the pictures, you will understand my bush 'joke'. But its gorgeous!! It looks like you know those fur stuff for winter, the faux fox to wrap around your shoulders kind of thing. She and her daughter actually knit such things! She said winters coming up and she thought this would keep me warm...its so warm and furry and fluffy!
I think it looks very classy and i cant wait for winter to come so i can wear it. Oh no, i am turning into the devil who wears prada, because i am actually into this four seasons fashion thing! I have actually bought autumn fashion!! Nice silk blouse (new) with high waisted skirt (old), dress with boots etc. And the quality, variety is much better and cheaper than Singapore. Oh no...oh no..i am losing my roots! Hahahaa..but i envision going back decked out in fashion no one else have in Singapore. But then, you realise alot of Singaporeans here probably have the same idea too. Bah!
Also, i am too lazy to dress up when i have so many pretty things. Its my new year resolution you know? Precisely, its called a resolution because no one keeps them! Hahhaa..note i didnt say promise. Because not keeping promises only applies to men.
OH! but hor...this scarf is possibly not new and worn. But i don't mind, since Sue looks clean. That's another culture difference between us and westerners. Asians wouldnt give something old as a present, but Westerners think its fine.
My lunch melted in the plastic i dumped it..which is a pity..because its sooo nice! I had to pinch a bit from the melted container, i know i shouldnt since its probably poisonous already. But i still did. It was actually leftovers from last night dinner, i made the mexican dish i had in Aunt Linda's house in Germany, but i put it in the wrong container. Non-microwavable.
So i had to go get lunch..but nothing is appetizing enough for me to pay! Quiche costs $3, which I can MAKE. And sandwiches costs $7.50, which I can MAKE too. And the desserts dont look healthy...SO, i ended up with a hot cross bun. For $1!!! Hee hee hee, wanted to know how hot cross buns tastes like since we sing HOt cross BUns, da da dada dada da Hot cross buns. I think its supposed to be Char Sao Pao for that tune..but there IS a song about HOt cross Buns.
There's an asian bakery here, first i've seen. And you will see all the usual patries you see in Asia. Not like the westerners bakeries, cheese, bacon, beef, cream. Asia prices too...nice! But nope, nothing appealed.
Alvin actually offered to drop my things at my place. He lives near the it will take him 20 minutes to drive down. But so nice! He actually offered. So anyway, my internet at home is in process. I think NOrman will be rejoicing for me. And my Malaysian housemate bought us a cordless phone! So i can call home now in the comfort of my room. According to her, its 20 cents per call plus 8 cents per minute (using a seperate international calling card).
Ohh...i so feel like posting pictures now..but i can't. Will do on Monday.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Of course i did something for the boyfriend!
We never really celebrated anything, the boyfriend is too stressed up about his problems so i don't really mind that much. But i will always do something..because i am that restless.
So i am going to cook something nice Tempura Soba, get a dozen oysters for him, then hide 5 presents around my room for him to find.
Working as a receiptionist here, i get to chat quite a bit with my manager, an australian. And its really interesting...Sue was telling me to get her daughter to end it with her boyfriend (didnt really like him), she encouraged her daughter to move in with him. True enough, within 6 months, her daughter came home.
Asian parents no matter how forbid their children this and that, whereas westerners simply nudge them on, and allow them to learn on their own.
Double-edged sword, however. They are not allowed to spank their children here (by law), and thus their kids can get very bad. Her son is a rebel, breaks into their bedrooms to steal. Crack codes on the safe, picks locks, cant stay long at a job, irresponsible etc. He is 20.
She is surprised Asians will have problem kids as well! She thought asians would have very well behaved children because of the culture. She said, asian parents will always want their kids to be doctors or lawyers. BUt westerners..we're contented with what our children are and love them for who they are.
Asians tend to have children as a future investment when they're old kinda thing, but westerners jus have kids for a family. I think asian kids are very pressured...there was one day a man came in to pay rent, and was chatting with Sue, and he let on that he is renting his house to his mum. I was like !!! I told Sue "isnt that very unfillial? You ask your mother to pay rent?!" Then Sue said, "oh, that is fillial! he IS already taking care of his mother. By collecting CHEAP rent from her."
Yeah,yeah..return to your country!
The boyfriend says when the jap return, there'll be war. Muahahahaa...but the 2 girls are nice, seem amiable. I pasted chocolate on their door with a note "Mr.Freddo wishes you happy Valentine's Day" and i made a card for my manager at work.
Ang mohs...very different from asians. Asians were taught not to open presents etc in front of the giver? She read it in front of me! So its abit pai seh for me..but she was laughing throughout and say she is very touched.
It so nice working here..i read the papers, i surf the web, i chat, i eat....all for $15 an hour! hahahaa...i am so lucky aint it.
And yeah, the US Congress is considering a resolution that demands the Japanese take historical responsibility and make a formal apology to the victims. Yeah, yeah! They don't even let the young generation know about this of their history you know. Its conviniently omitted from their history books.
Funny how many people still adore the japanese though. Ok, me included. For a period, i liked the actor takeshi sorimachi very very much (GTO), then i love the country japan, i love japanese food, i love japan products. Muahahaa...but this japanese housemate of mine...i pity her. Hahahaa..see, i didnt say i hate her.
Then that Norman, like japanese girls...traitor!
My other 2 new house mates, one Singaporean, one Malaysian..all of them younger than me. The japanese is the oldest. Everything seems swimingly well, we've watched 2 DVDs together so far..getting internet soon!
The Malaysian even cleaned the bathroom! so nice :) Especially when the bathroom is right outside my bedroom..yucks!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Look at the sky outside my window!

I finished summer school!! Yay!! And i am bored, so i decided to use the left overs of a curry chicken-prata dinner to make curry puffs! I miss tip top..the only quality curry puff around (chunky bits of chicken, right amount of spice and egg!) The ones found here, is just mashed potato. expensive somemore. But after preparing another batch for the curry puffs, i was so tired from all the cleaning up, and still full, i thought not to make curry puffs anymore and kept it for the next day. (yes, i have short attention span), so i went back into my room to stare into space. Hahahaha..i deserve the break from intense summer school! If there's no work, no really gets boring at home. NOthing to do! THen i start cleaning the house loh..but without the right tools, its difficult. (Broken vaccum cleaner, dirty mop, diluted washing liquid) i will instead get on my knees and scrap the hair out of my bedroom carpet. With my fingers...its the only thing that works. THankfully, my room is only like a prison cell.
Good gosh! i practically jumped out of my seat! Because my boss came in from behind and asked a question in a loud booming voice. GOt a fright! So embarrassing, and of course he sees me blogging. But there's NOTHING to do! :S
Hope he's just as open minded as my manager..who encouraged me to surf, play games whatever because it can be boring. But i suppose he could have seen the games screeen on my manager's computer too..hee hee.

It looks hideous..
But look what a beauty it turned out! Includes the folds just like a real curry puff do!
And so, my breakfast...with mango apple juice. 99% real juice, none of those concentrates nor sugar. Why Singapore doesnt have such? Oh, BUT the papers reported that the apples here are no longer fresh. THey are facing oversupply now, so we're actually eating 6 months ago stock (yikes!) Apples actually do not spoil fast. THey freeze it actually..
The textbooks here are super funny. THis was found in the boyfriend's textbook. It says :Horrors of horrors...*insert a situation here* What, will you do?
a) bla bla bla
b) some other normal answer
c) the list goes on ..then
P.S the jap is still missing, for those of you chasing the saga.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Her boyfriend havnt been over anymore, because the day the landlord came to speak to her, her boyfriend was here. And the landlord sorta went "Aha! You complain about people, but yourself?" So she kinda bargained her rent down another ten bucks, on the condition that her boyfriend no longer comes over. Or something like that. Why make herself live such a sad life? I never complained about her boyfriend. But she had to bring herself to such a situation.
So her attitude changed after that, she washes the dishes immediately after using (usually she just leaves there for days), she brings in the bin, and i suspect she mopped the kitchen floor! Maybe she felt guilty, she saw me vaccuming the house the other day. But still selfish, she mopped the kitchen floor but do not bother about the toilet because it is just outside MY room, still no loading off toilet paper. But oh well, doesnt bother me. At least her attitude is a little better. BUT the air con remote controller is missing! And everyone suspects its her who took it because all of us saw it, but never used it. Only she and her boyfriend is out in the living room late at night.
Sigh...sooo hot. All her fault. Rhymes right?
But now she is missing, should i be happy?
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A receptionist actually earns more than me!
but of course, then you have tha arguement of she wont go promotion yadda yadda...but got to admit..the quality of life here IS better. And so, i will look into a PR. Hahahahaa..i think my mother will cry. But hey, she can escape here everytime she needs a breather from the boys.
I am actually blogging at first day at work, i was so prim and proper, because i want them to call me back whenever they need a stand in again. So i was on my best behaviour...and that lasted..30 MINUTES..when the call of MSN, surfing, You Tube beckons. I am SO internet deprived, i couldnt resist. And there was NOTHING to do! I have finished my duties. Which is, processing some bank statements. And of course i can juggle asnwering phone calls whilst surfing the net, and chatting on MSN.
But like any sneaky employee, i was doing all that right under my manager's nose. Her office is directly behind my receiptionist table. But she has those two way she can see exactly what is on my computer. So, of course she knows!
Half way through the day, she just gave me official permission to do whatever i want on the computer. She knows how boring it can get. How cool is that?! So with her permission, i happily watch videos etc. on the computer. Muahahaa...but of course i am a good girl..i emptied the dustbins, took out the thrash, washed the dishes...didn't know that is all part of a receiptionist's duty.
I am so looking forward to the pay cheque next week. Lunch break is deducted, and its 30 mins! There is hardly any time to go out, so i wake up early to make my lunch. Today's rice with eel and egg. Yay!! Very delicious. Hahaa, Norman was surprised i can cook so well. I am too! I made chicken pie the other day. Very successful..complete with side salad and fries. It looked so beautiful. looked so good, we ate it up immediately and i forgot to take pictures. Yeah, it was THAT good.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Salad spinner, mum?

My friend who used to stay in the hostel was given the pathetic fan (if you call it a fan) in his dorm. In summer, he had to sleep naked HUGGING the fan! And every hour, wake up to hit the button to reactivate (remember my winter days?) Its SO funny.
Funnny how such pictures always turn out nice overseas, but not in our country isnt it? I think its because how blue the sky is. We cant see any blue in our own skies.
My new work place when school starts. The FOod court in school, i start at 11.30pm and end at 4, weds and thurs.
This is a quiche, and i made it.The old people probably wont like it because its lotsa eggs, beef and cheese. I am healthier, added tomatos,mushrooms and onions. The boyfriend loved it though. Walloped the entire thing for dinner.
Next up will be chicken pie, curry puff and i will try the Mrs Anne's cinnamon thing, or the apple struddel biscuit thing. I love the pastry dough here. So fun to make stuff.

And so, last Sunday, I went to return the uniform of Chin’s to the lady boss. Told her I won’t be working at her place anymore because of transport inconvenience. Maybe I hold myself too highly, I actually thought she would try to persuade me to stay…but she didn’t. Haha..a bruise to the ego. But no biggie. I SERIOUSLY think its racist here now…because Dome, where my housemate works at..she told me they are seriously short staffed there..but they haven’t called me!! The Chicken Treat down the road..they are also short staffed, but they didn’t call me. Oh well, blessed with the Chinese people, although they are misers. $12 it shall be.
But i just found out, its not so much of racist here..they want the younger people,because they get paid less. I am 21, and i cost more..hee hee..but of course.
Still on the financial end, my landlord got me a stand-in receptionist job at his office! $15 an hour, $1200 for 2 weeks. What great timing! Just when my summer school ends, I will stand in for two weeks, and my official term starts. So don’t expect me to call this two weeks…I start work at 830am in the morning, and end at 5pm.