I eat yogurt with museli almost everyday for breakfast now. Working at the cafes, had made me hunt for the ingredients they use. And voila, i search online, knowing the brands they use..and there, i create them back in my own kitchen. Only this particular brand of museli is super yummy! But i wonder if museli really is healthy though. It's meant to be..but don't know if its really good. After all, its processed, right? But before i discovered museli, i used to occasionally put oats into my yogurt with nuts. Until recently, my boss told me oats are meant to be cooked, not eaten raw!! I've been eating it raw!!
Now that i'm cooking for one now, i tend to eat better. Like buying top grade vegetables, expensive fruits like mango and cherries etc. But my housemate says even when the boyfriend is here, i also buy expensive food like salmon and scallops. Oh well, my mother taught me one. To eat well and healthy. No wonder the boyfriend smsed me to tell me a day after he got back to Singapore, he got food poisoning. He reckons my cooking been too healthy. I take that as a compliment. Haha.
My taste has become more ang moh now too..yogurt with curry, museli and erm...raw capsicums. They absolutely cannot eat cooked capsicums here, its gross to them. So they eat raw, and so i tried..and hey, its nice! Raw capsicums with salads. I used to hate capsicums actually. Now i buy all colours. Red, yellow and green. Like the traffic light. And the salads i make have tuna, strawberries, egg, avacado and mesculin.
I will miss this kinda lifestyle. Don't think i will do this kind of thing in Singapore. Hahaa..coz over here, you got plenty of time to prepare your food, do grocery shopping mah! That's the difference between here and Singapore. The quality of your life style. I even introduced avacado here to the boyfriend lah! Never liked eating them in Singapore also.
hmmm..very different. Also, i used to think all things in Singapore is of high standard and quality. After seeing here, Singapore is still a little behind. But of course, i still love Singapore. I think our government is good, our system is good, my family and friends are there. But i like my singular lifestyle here too. My own house, my own car, my own everything. Don't need to sell your body also can earn up to $50 an hour. How good is that!