Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Let's Twist Again.
You know ah..ang mohs..their taste very different from us Asians. When i heard we were hosting a dinner party, i was excited about getting ALOT of stuff. You know how Asians like to present a spread, a feast to their guests. But nooooo..ang mohs do it differently. He said just pasta with PLAIN sauce would be enough. Omg, no meat one leh!! No 'liao' leh!!
You would think he's being stingy, but actually the cheese for the sauce that we bought from Paragon already cost $60. Then plus all that expensive wine...
Maybe it's just me..i'm not used to such a 'plain' dinner, but everyone else loved it! But actually, i once dined at an atas Italian restaurant and their pastas come plain too. Horribly plain. Not that it tasted plain, but ingredients loh.
And then we played Twister. Or rather, the permanent fixtures on that mat was only us 3. No one else wanted to play! Especially the guys. So we had to entertain everyone by getting down and dirty.

And she had the cheek to make us stay in that difficult position to wait for her to pose and take a picture!

We had many improvisations to make it more challenging.
Its Halloween today and i was so looking forward to dressing up. But i'm down with FEVER! How sucky. Guess Minnie Mouse will have to wait till next year. And he said he likes Minnie Mouse.Hahaha, first time i heard a guy tells me he likes Minnie Mouse!! Guess that answers my question when i was in the shop " Who in the world fantasizes about Minnie Mouse!"

Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's been a week of meeting new friends. And friends made, indeed.
It feels good getting out, it feels good mixing around.

And with this new found thorn among the roses, he asked me to join him on a tour of visual arts. When my friend called me on Saturday to ask what i was doing, i said "Visit an art exhibition with a friend."
One of the peices was this massive floor of a bird's eye view of Singapore, and everyone's meant to personalise the floor by locating their home.
He drew me this there.The last time someone did this for me was in secondary school, by S.

It sucks! All the other pictures came out blur/ horrible/ oily/ blur and more blur. I don't know what happend to my favourite Canon! And no, it's not my skills course we got people to take for us.

He said, "Wah. So atas!" Lol. That's right, its not something Singaporeans normally would do. But it's good! Its something out of the norm. Although, i must admit..i am not such a REFINED person. I look at the Mona Lisa for 2 seconds and i'm out, i look at Picasso for 3 seconds and i'm out.

Then another dinner gathering with more friends to be made.
The girl standing, her name is Jujube! An American. Like a name out of Star Wars! Its in her ID! So many exclaimations. You can understand how astonished i was when introduced. With a name like that, great way to start conversations actually. But i guess she's bored of getting these all the time. At least its not like those Hong Kong names. Public Har, Fight Chan, Unique Wong etc.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
剑不能有悔, 蝶不能无双

They only had 2 but these little birdies' vocals were strong enough to fill the entire hotel! I bet they cost a bomb. And also i think the design of the hotel enhanced the acoustics of the birds.
I wanna have such birds in my living room next time too.

Before meeting him, i had a preconception of him being haughty, vain and a man of few words. After meeting him, i was reminded again the greatest flaw of humans is judging someone before knowing her/him.

His skin is baby smooth, every thread immaculate, not a strand of hair out of place. If he was a dish, i would say he's a fine dish.He's very chatty, friendly and polite. Better yet, he can speak fluent English!
Additional tidbits: he was gutted that tao suan and Hokkien prawn mee wasn't included in the feast his entourage ta pao-ed from the hawkers.Also, he once had a gf who they got attached few months before he was scheduled to leave for his studies in Australia. After he left for Australia, he missed her so much that he returned after a month and shelved his studies for a year.I was thinking," buuuut in the end still break up, isn't it."Hahaha...soooo mean. But i guess at least he has no regrets, and there'll be no "what ifs".

I am...woman, after all. 情女装 leh! Yaar...i called him last night to plan it.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I hope the old man who bought her over is treating her well now. Am so glad Derek suggested taking a picture with her, it's the one and only picture that i have with her.
When i was ready to go off, i stuck the key in, but i couldn't ignite the engine! I kept trying to turn the key as you would normally start a car, but it just won't budge. I nearly broke the key, i tell you.
I even had to ask my neighbour over to help me start the car! Thinking he's a man, he would know better. But we sat there for a good ten minutes figuring why the key wouldn't turn. And just because he is a man, he realised my gear stick was in D mode instead of P, thus the key can't turn. Now, that's one lesson learnt.
I miss Perth, i miss my house, i miss my neighbourhood, i miss my workplace, i miss my house mates.
I miss going round the next street playing majong, i miss the shopping, i miss the weekends where we'll do nothing but grocery shop, warehouse shop (where its cheap yet current surf brands), buy bubble tea and $4.99 pizzas, then rent DVDs and stay at home.
Why is it just not the same here in Singapore?
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