Perth city, sky line. I am beginning to like this place. Partly, i guess i've found good friends.This will be last for today, i am finally getting to RUN!!! Bought a pair of exercise pants from Nike at the factory outlet for only $20! The stores sell it at $80. Shyanne, you jealous of my shopping here? Hahhaaa. Will post other pictures later in the day. I had a smashing night yesterday. hahahaa...Stay tuned.
P.S i'm not putting on weight yet *crosses fingers*

My connection's up, i will be online more frequent. Figured it was a loose wire thus lousy connection. I feel so silly..wanted to cry then

Everything looks beeeautiful here. Actually, Singapore would have been perfect if it had the weather,climate and friendly people. And of course, not such a hectic life.
nike pants for $20!?
not really. the last time i was at a warehouse sale i bought nike runners for $20!! haha!
eh and my waffles cuter leh!
the way you eat, i frown!! sure won't put on weight one!
mum: do not drink milk often. Are u taking your SR everyday? Is your school busy?
Shyanne: wah lau!! Hmph...i will find something better. I got knee high boots for $30!! hahahaa..beat that. Hahhaaa..i love you babe, you're an active commenter.
Mum: i switched to soya milk already.School is just starting to get busy. So less play now. Wanna ask you if you wanna visit me. Coz my friend, Sophia's mum did. And staying with her in the room for a week. We brought her around etc. And she cook for us, and clean sophia's house! hahahaaa
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