i got a tv!!! Muahahaa, guess who has the last laugh now, Ling Feng? I got a TV!!! And i didn't have to give a single cent! Nanenanebooboo. So it pays to be studious huh..to reject renting a tv at first instance. Now i got my OWN in MY room!
A very kind soul, gave his to me since he's graduating this semester. Just when i was envying E-lynn selling Julia her tv along with some other stuff for HUNDRED BUCKS.
He's giving me his heater too, AND table lamp. AND i got his text books as well :P I am so so happy, more money to spend on groceries now, hahaa. I just bought shit load of fruits and vegetables.
He told me when it was summer and he was staying in the school hostel, there wasnt air con and so he slept naked hugging the heater cum cooler. Then waking every hour to turn it on.
Yes, i've tried it..it blows a pathetic wind. But i'm not feeling the heat so arent planning to get a fan, yet.
All i want for my 21st birthday now is the mini play station with Crash Bandicot and Crash race and Prison Break 2! The boyfriend watches my house mates play the tv games from afar..running back into my room when they turn around. He's funny.

Tsk Tsk guy give u so many things.. later Chris jealous..
omg. u're eating so healthy!!
okay now i gotta hit the gym before you come back so we can go be priddy around town. =)
Hmmm.. wipe out the mini PS!.. You'll be getting a PS2 with shit loads of games to choose from in JB! =p U know who's this speaking..
reveal yourself, phantom of the opera.I noe who it is already lah,its someone close, Ivan. And shyanne, looks healthy right..but i'm not losing any weight leh. :(
From Phantom: I am Not Ivan...
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