I'm sorry, but most of the big presents bought are for my mum. Because only coming here, have i realised her worth. Being a full-time dedicated housewife, you lose your connection with the outside world, trends and friends. But being a full-time housewife AND employee, its double triple quadruple work. And especially when the other members of the family don't help or help minimally.
It just isnt fair to the mum, and when mum says she's tired, i know what she means now. When she is easily irritated, its granted.
BUT of course...there ARE also the mothers who no matter what, will stay quiet and do,do and do. That will be a slow and painful death...bottling everything up. Or maybe they're closet saddo machoist, seek pleasure in doing endless chores.
Then, ok...of course the dad has his credits. He's the one who sent me here...BUT there's always nothing to buy for the dad. Mum's easily pleased because she's a woman..bags, purse, clothes...affordable stuff. But the dad, he don't need too many ties, not all shirts suit him...what i'd really like to buy him some day is the latest PDA phone, or some gadget.
So dad, its not that i don't remember you. Its just that you're harder to shop for. Mum has a further advantage because she's the same gender as me.
P.S Dad, i used my own money for the presents. Don't worry. :)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
So you dont sell curry puffs, i will make my own.

But now i can understand why mum gets so frustrated cooking sometimes. Coz she will run out of ideas....AND after cooking..MUST wash!! That's tiring, especially if you got a day job as well. I dislike the boyfriend after eating, shake his backside and go watch tv. MCP...its tiring you know. One day i'll snap..actually i have...but its even worse nagging....oh well, lessons about relationships...i have learnt, and i know.
BUT BUT....the times when he DO wash...i also not very comfortable..cause he does it so fast, water splashes everywhere...and i just feel its not clean enough...sigh....what a woman i am.
At the end of 2 years, my hands are going to get rough....
Highlight of the day: Jenny sent me a surprise parcel!! So sweet..just when i had that craving for that particular biscuit!! She sent a packet of 10, japanese heart shaped ones!! Luckily it went through quarantine..phew
I love snail mail! (this is a hint, gundus.)
Friday, November 17, 2006
Good gosh, what have i done?!
My house mates found out it was my birthday when they saw the flowers...so they slipped a card under my door...i must say, they're like SWAT...very efficient...But i'm even better, i made a thank you card back for each one of them
THEN, they got me a surprise birthday cake...lights off and all when i returned home from work. With trick candles included.
So sweet.....
THEN, they got me a surprise birthday cake...lights off and all when i returned home from work. With trick candles included.
So sweet.....
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Its not my house mates...
Security...someone just stepped into my flat, and dropped the flowers off. Told you, none of my house mates will wake up to answer the door nor the phone..hahaha
But i guess, that's how school is. Or rather, Perth. It IS rather safe...but my house mates just wont listen. They ALWAYS don't lock the main door, and they leave their PS outside in the living room.
What if someone comes to steal our food? Steal our industrial vacuum cleaner?
But i guess, that's how school is. Or rather, Perth. It IS rather safe...but my house mates just wont listen. They ALWAYS don't lock the main door, and they leave their PS outside in the living room.
What if someone comes to steal our food? Steal our industrial vacuum cleaner?
Sperm meets egg

I dig my school's satay chicken. Funny though, its ALWAYS curry vegetables, ONLY one choice of vegetables (ok, actually its not even a choice, because there's nothing else) with 10 other choices of meat. Then bubble tea...i was contemplating to buy it (SGD 3.50) or just wait a little while longer where i can get it for (SGD 1). But i figured, its my birthday. So, sue me.
The boyfriend took me for curry fish head dinner last night though. Told you, nothing else to do except eat. I wanted to go for the kayak safari..to see seals, sea lions etc. But the boyfriend is terrified of SHARKS! Well, yeah..there has been sightings at the beaches lately..and we'll be kayaking into the island of shark feed. BUT...it'll be so fun! *sulk*
No one wants to do anything with me. Especially dangerous stuff...

The first time i received flowers was when i was 15. Valentines day...from a girl. She even bought me a stereo. My junior who's a lesbian. In judo, there're many lesbians...i suppose i'm one out of the five who are not. Once, i was standing up, and this lesbian sitting down beside my leg. But this lesbian is abit WHACKO. She suddenly bit my leg..and i got a shock, screamed and ask why did she do that for.
She told me she was HUNGRY!!!! I got a bigger shock and pointed to my fat friend beside me and asked..."you hungry, why not her then?"
I ended up offending that friend...i couldnt help it! My mouth was faster than my brain!
15-16 were my best years..i got lots of flowers that period..then they all dwindled as men became smarter (positive thinking), or stingy (negative thinking) , and figured they shouldnt invest while courting. I've never really thought flowers and soft toys were something to gush about. I'm more of a practical kind of girl.
Give me an ang pow anytime, please! :P BUT i must admit, its nice to have them delivered to your door..the element of surprise.
Then, my best friend in secondary school bought me many bouquet of flowers too. She's lebian too, and seem to have a knack for giving flowers. She even give me ang pow during chinese new year lah. She's a kick ass lesbian good friend. We only became good friends when i rejected her. SEE!! This is how women differ from men. Men always got motives one, and very shallow! You reject them, they not so nice to you anymore. Or they don't even be close or be your friend. Tsk, tsk...men, don't you get it? Sometimes, good things you must wait. Stay close even if she rejects you. You never know, sincerity will do you good.
Then when i was 17, someone from the UK sent flowers on my birthday..that was another huge surprise..especially its from a friend who i lost touch with for six years!!
Then when i was working in 77th street...my managers were so utterly nice to deliver me a teddy bear and flowers on my graduation day. I started working with them before i even graduated.
And now, this. Today...flowers from someone who's always there. Someone i've always appreciated but i don't really show. ( can't help it, i'm naturally FIERCE.)
As i'm studying consumer behaviour, the mood of the shop is very important. There's this high end shop, Peter Alexander..they specialise in sleep wear mainly..the items were so-so, but the mood...i tell you...is very very enticing. Makes you want to buy, just for the sake of buying. Nothing caught my eye, not the clothes, they're not worth the price..BUT when i saw what packaging they had for customers with purchases...they make me want to BUY! Ok,fine..maybe i'm a sucker for anything with cute dogs on it. Their shopping bags, have a sausage dog with a REAL ribbon. Or they have cardboard boxes in a shape of a real red handbag...very very nice.
I am a trained garang guni man, because my mum ALWAYS like to ask me..this box want to keep not? This plastic bag, want to keep not? Then she complain when i keep..say its dusty keeping so many things bla bla bla.
AND! In Peter Alexander, i was so tempted to buy this huge soft toy (expectedly, its a dog) just so i can get the cute shopping bag. Hahaha, kinda silly. But i'm a girl! Its granted.
Also, my new house..the bed is big..and i will get lonely and cold, and the fur is so soft..and (this is justification)....
But i'm proud..i walked out empty-handed. Figured the AUD 39.90 can't let me eat the dog.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Fine.i'm more enthusiastic than most.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Once Upon a Time

One day, i returned home to find a group of blue-uniformed police men surrounding the bush in front of my flat. They never did catch the serpent though. Did i mention i saw a slimy thing with four legs climbing the stairs of the neighbour's flat? Very disgusting. Blue-tongued lizard, it is called.
Here's the deal, guys..anyone with a flair for writing, humour and creativity...email me your greeting card verses and i'll pay you $10 for each verse USED. Its this post i got off my university's notice board which offers cash for my (or in this case, your talent). Provided they are impressed by it and decides to use your verse on their greeting cards. Quite frankly, i wouldnt really know if they will lie about mine being used or not..but oh well, nothing to lose anyway. So, email me your verses,right away. Categories they want will be the usual birthdays, miss you. They've 'I'm Horny' too, or Marry Me, Get Well etc. Just use your creativity!

Friday, November 03, 2006
The Dilema is Solved.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Good gosh, help me decide!
I need poll results by tommorrow...
Rent increased to $98 per week for student hostel now, which sprung me into action in sourcing other accomodation. Ok, it was a hasty decision (my room mates said), but the one so far i'm more or less satisfied that is close distance to school ..ends up being the same price as what i pay for school accomodation.
It didn't help much even though i bargained from $90 to $80 for the room, and negotiated half month's rent for the summer holidays where i'm away.
A friend mentioned i was so gung-ho in viewing the house alone, with an asian uncle. No cause for worries, its because i know that neighbourhood pretty well ( i run there every morning), and i specially wore shoes and jeans ( in case i need to fight and run), and also yes, cause i'm pressed for time and i couldn't find anyone to go along with me.
The landlord's from Brunei, and he seems to be very friendly and nice, married, one son, one daughter.
The house, is like Changi chalets, very simple, humble and ok, a tad shabby. But the room i'm going to get is slightly bigger than my current one, with a QUEEN bed, AND the best deciding factor is i won't have to be a normad, moving my things around when summer comes.
And of course, much less people in that house than my present one, and all females.
My house mates ask me not to leave, yeah, i will miss them too..it's always so noisy and lively here. Buuuuut....i don't like being a normad!
So how?! Cost is no longer an issue now, because i can't find somewhere cheap and reasonably good to live. The cheap place i found, has a swimming pool BUT...china occupants. I mean, he sounds nice over the phone...BUT...still have reservations..and its a longer walk to school.
Rent increased to $98 per week for student hostel now, which sprung me into action in sourcing other accomodation. Ok, it was a hasty decision (my room mates said), but the one so far i'm more or less satisfied that is close distance to school ..ends up being the same price as what i pay for school accomodation.
It didn't help much even though i bargained from $90 to $80 for the room, and negotiated half month's rent for the summer holidays where i'm away.
A friend mentioned i was so gung-ho in viewing the house alone, with an asian uncle. No cause for worries, its because i know that neighbourhood pretty well ( i run there every morning), and i specially wore shoes and jeans ( in case i need to fight and run), and also yes, cause i'm pressed for time and i couldn't find anyone to go along with me.
The landlord's from Brunei, and he seems to be very friendly and nice, married, one son, one daughter.
The house, is like Changi chalets, very simple, humble and ok, a tad shabby. But the room i'm going to get is slightly bigger than my current one, with a QUEEN bed, AND the best deciding factor is i won't have to be a normad, moving my things around when summer comes.
And of course, much less people in that house than my present one, and all females.
My house mates ask me not to leave, yeah, i will miss them too..it's always so noisy and lively here. Buuuuut....i don't like being a normad!
So how?! Cost is no longer an issue now, because i can't find somewhere cheap and reasonably good to live. The cheap place i found, has a swimming pool BUT...china occupants. I mean, he sounds nice over the phone...BUT...still have reservations..and its a longer walk to school.
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