One day, i returned home to find a group of blue-uniformed police men surrounding the bush in front of my flat. They never did catch the serpent though. Did i mention i saw a slimy thing with four legs climbing the stairs of the neighbour's flat? Very disgusting. Blue-tongued lizard, it is called.
Here's the deal, guys..anyone with a flair for writing, humour and creativity...email me your greeting card verses and i'll pay you $10 for each verse USED. Its this post i got off my university's notice board which offers cash for my (or in this case, your talent). Provided they are impressed by it and decides to use your verse on their greeting cards. Quite frankly, i wouldnt really know if they will lie about mine being used or not..but oh well, nothing to lose anyway. So, email me your verses,right away. Categories they want will be the usual birthdays, miss you. They've 'I'm Horny' too, or Marry Me, Get Well etc. Just use your creativity!

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