Saturday, May 05, 2007


I went factory hopping today in the neighbour hood nearby. It started where i emailed this facotry about where can i find their products for public consumption (it is delicious! and i knew about it because i use it to make sandwiches for people as well as for myself at work.) The sales person got back to me saying that because of its packaging that ensures no bacteria makes it not attractive enough for sale in the supermarkets and yadda yadda. But he directed me to their factory nearby, where i can buy some in KG packs.

And so i did, but when i got there...the lady told me the instructions she got from the HQ was to give them to me FOR FREE! And yes, i did tell her it isnt meant to be. I am not a business person, not wanting these for samples. But i am the public, and it is for personal consumption! She said, she just does what she is instructed, and she got my name right..she IS to give the BBQ chicken to Christine for free.

And Arnott Biscuits and Tip Top factory was there too. Along with some other factories. So i tried my luck going in each one of them, to see if i can buy anything off at factory prices.

As my dad says, it pays to always ask. My friends thought i was crazy to email the company to ask about the chicken. But look where it got me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good, so this reinforces one of life's lessons. Hope u will now make it a permanent principle for the rest of your life. It always takes a little more effort to ask but it is always no harm but may bring you good...d