Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Oh gosh, i seem to have put on weight. Not good, not good. Being a student makes you snack alot you know. Otherwise i feel like sleeping...

We did not plan to go to the beach. Was actually meant to go get a love doll for Lawrence's birthday. But we passed by and couldn't resist not to step out.

As we've all kinda agreed, ang mohs cannot take pictures. We purposely stood by the sign to show that it weird having a 'no swimming' sign at the beach, but as you can see...it's cut off.

Sounds very familiar leh. Is there this in Singapore? Apparently the beef is good here. I still prefer Jack's Place. Reminds me of Jenny's treat :)

I had avacado beef. I thought its some special avacado sauce...chey, just some creamy sauce topped with one slice of the real fruit. I also can make!

The boyfriend told me when he was young, he asked his dad to buy him a remote control plane. But his dad did not buy him the toy, told him he needed a license to play in Singapore. And i guess his father IS smarter than me in buying one for him, because the remote control plane was short lived over the weekend. It crashed into the neighbour's tree and never took off again. Apparently, he's better at real planes.

He's taking online lessons now on how to fly a remote control plane. How irony!


Shyanne Browning said...

yeah babe you look like you put on a bit. but you still look good. nicely fleshy.

the beach is so gorgeous!! why cannot swim?!

Chrispy Tine said...

haha.thanks for being honest..i needed to know.yeah,tat's why we found the sign absurd! Maybe the waves are too strong, or maybe its a surfing beach so dangerous for swimming in case the surfers hit you.

Shyanne Browning said...

i tell you babe, putting on weight comes with learning how to cook. cos you wanna experiment so much that you have to end up eating what you cook. happened to me.

Chrispy Tine said...

ha haha..so funny.but since the bf is here,he has to help me finish the food...so he put on weight too!