Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Happy Mother's Day.

And to celebrate that, i will drink this drink called Mother. What a name! Its by Coca Cola, and its one of those red bull sorta energy drinks. Ginger, guanana, whats not. I got it from work, but from alot of reviews of those who have drank it..it isnt that fantastic. But, what a name! Imagine, coming up to the counter and go "I'd like to buy/have/get a Mother!"

My fridge is overly stocked. I really cant help it!
6 shelves, 3 are mine and those 3 are filled to the brim. Sometimes, i even have to "borrow" my friend's shelf!

No one uses the fridge door, so i use the entire rack for my sauces. Again, you can see too..its overly stacked.

My freezer. Overly stacked with bread. But its on offer! And bread is expensive here, mind you. But so much variety, they have rye, soy, linseed etc.

Strawberry and apple juice! Very nice, and also on offer!

One of my work place. I'm quite blessed. All 3 places i work at, nice people, nice environment.

This is for Ivan.
This is for Shaun.
This is for Dad.
And this is for me.
Its mushroom soup within! Very nice. I copied this idea from the Bugis food court.

After working at various cafes, you realise eating out is so unhealhty. Even if its pumpkin soup you're having. Because its heated in a plastic container, and its pre-made (meaning preservatives and what nots).

Yet another pot luck cum surprise birthday party. I still remember the first potluck where everyone try to out cook every one. It was a magnificent feast. Now, no one bothers. Standard and quantity dropping. I still keep mine up though. Although the boyfriend asks me to not bother, since no one else bothers. But i told him, not nice mah..other people no manners, yourself cannot be stingy and rude. But we tried kangaroo meat that night (very tough! and strong taste and smell but wasnt awful neither is it delicious)


Anonymous said...

Nearing Mothers' Day I recall...one day she saw something nice to eat and automatically buys 5 portions not realising that u r in Perth. However far u r, u r still so near, right in her heart.....mother's dear/d

Chrispy Tine said...

but how come when i am back home, she always only buy da pao for Shaun and i don't have :p

Anonymous said...

absence, they say, make the heart grow fonder/d