Monday, December 15, 2008

Words of Affirmation

They use egg white in super soakers for porn.

That's nothing to do with the title. Just random fact, as usual.

Now, i'm not an insecure girl but i always speak my mind. So if i tell you some words, i really meant it. But i realise i don't get words of affirmation very often. Not that i need it, but its nice to affirm someone. Everyone needs it. I don't, but i want it.

Then again, i am more for actions than words. What's the point if someone tells you all the time that he loves you, he misses you and bla bla bla but doesn't show all that in his actions?

Just like our parents. Asian parents don't do words of affirmation very often, because of our culture. They show with their actions. And children are fine with it. But i think the bond will even be stronger if words of affirmation is thrown in. Although i think it's a tad too late if parents start doing it when the child has grown up.

But relationships...i think actions are more important than words of affirmation. But like i said, words can strengthen the bond. There're alot of 'buts' in here.

My heart goes out to V. She is hurting so badly now, it reminds me of my last. And i can totally fully understand how painful she must be feeling right now. The pain is still fresh in my mind, although i did get over it eventually and happy memories still prevail ( i think the better of all things, stay positive), but i can remember the pain at that moment in time. It still makes me want to cry, actually.

What can i do, what can i do. Only she can help herself. I walked out of it myself, alone. The fittest (strongest) survive.

Is love supposed to hurt? If your relationship hurts, you eradicate it.

Sure, love hurts. Because i'm hurting to see Ivan in trouble.

P.S i had to eat that star fruit while walking and so i tumbled down the canteen stairs, sprained my ankle a little and scraped my knee. The cleaner behind me must be very amused course i fell, nothing dropped (both arms full of stuff), stood up, brushed my skirt, wore my heel and went on eating my start fruit and walked with my head up high.

That's life. Like DC said, "suck it up and move on."

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