Sunday, October 14, 2007

Journey to the After Life

That's the mummified cat.
The jars where the intestines, liver, kidney and what not are stuffed in. I saw the inside...its small and rotting. Haha, wonder how these wood stuff pass quarantine in the OZ customs. They are so strict... Each animal head symbolise a God which protects the organ, deemed very important to the Egyptians.

Missing out on the Louvre when i went France last year (because of the Xmas period, museums were closed), i went to the Egyptian antiquities exhibition in Perth imported from the Louvre. Entry cost$15, and i wasn't allowed to take pictures! (i took but got spotted by the security guard who watched me delete them) These pics are taken from the brochure.

Such a pity, i would like to show you the many coffins on display (one which the bf touched secretly despite the 'do not touch' sign, because he says "got to touch. thousand year old. will be lucky."), the mummified cat (Egyptians mummify animals as sacrifices(necks of cats were broken while alive), as pets in the afterlife or simply as meat in the afterlife)

oh,oh..and there was a 3000 year old bread! Yes, not 300, but 3000. It was entombed ready for feasting in the afterlife. It looked like a dead coral actually.

It's all very interesting...the Egyptian culture. I wonder where in the world does these ideas get planted in their heads. Mummification is very important to them, as a person without mummification when he dies risks haunting and plaguing the living with diseases. So as you all know, their insides (except their heart is left in the body, and their brain is thrown away) are taken out and kept in jars to be encased in the tomb. When they reach the underworld, they face judgment and their hearts are placed on a scale to weigh their life on Earth. It has to be balanced then they will pass on to 'heaven'. And so, spells are cast during the funeral to silence the heart, so that the mummy will pass judgment hall.

Slaves can also be mummified alive for their kings to serve them in the afterlife.But statues are also used with spells cast to make them come alive. Quite alot of dark magic actually. BUt wait, didn't some Chinese king had the thousands of statues in his tomb too?

Ok, i am quite tired of typing more. Not even sure if anyone reads...ha ha. My blog is not widely known and read. so yeaah....


RaGe FuRy said...

well, as early as the bible, people wrapped dead pple in cloth... like jesus?

Anonymous said...

Of cos ur blog is being read! I check it like.. everyday!

Shyanne Browning said...

omg babe. you didn't go to the louvre?! but that egyption exhibition is so cool! i would've totally enjoyed that. pity you couldn't take photos.

RaGe FuRy said...

wah kao cannot calculate 1+1 isit! Now have to wait longer... RAWR