Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let's Twist Again.

This must be one of my happiest day i think.
We did it school canteen style.
And this is a damn hilarious pic. Von better eat more, otherwise the wind will blow her away!
I'm losing weight by the month man. My job is a fantastic keep slim programme.

Fantastic funny company, dinner by candle light with lotsa wine. And hey, i didn't know you can make garlic bread with just butter and minced garlic. I wanted to buy ready-made garlic butter. But HE kept saying "no, make it from scratch." So i did..and boy was i proud of my creation. Secret ingredient: Parsley.

You know ah..ang mohs..their taste very different from us Asians. When i heard we were hosting a dinner party, i was excited about getting ALOT of stuff. You know how Asians like to present a spread, a feast to their guests. But nooooo..ang mohs do it differently. He said just pasta with PLAIN sauce would be enough. Omg, no meat one leh!! No 'liao' leh!!

You would think he's being stingy, but actually the cheese for the sauce that we bought from Paragon already cost $60. Then plus all that expensive wine...

Maybe it's just me..i'm not used to such a 'plain' dinner, but everyone else loved it! But actually, i once dined at an atas Italian restaurant and their pastas come plain too. Horribly plain. Not that it tasted plain, but ingredients loh.
And then we played Twister. Or rather, the permanent fixtures on that mat was only us 3. No one else wanted to play! Especially the guys. So we had to entertain everyone by getting down and dirty.

And she had the cheek to make us stay in that difficult position to wait for her to pose and take a picture!

We had many improvisations to make it more challenging.
Its Halloween today and i was so looking forward to dressing up. But i'm down with FEVER! How sucky. Guess Minnie Mouse will have to wait till next year. And he said he likes Minnie Mouse.Hahaha, first time i heard a guy tells me he likes Minnie Mouse!! Guess that answers my question when i was in the shop " Who in the world fantasizes about Minnie Mouse!"


Anonymous said...

i would've been down to do some twisting with you lots.. :D

Chrispy Tine said...

my blog has missed you :P