Monday, September 04, 2006

Its getting routine...

8.30am: wake up, go church
12pm: Visit Canning Vale market where meat go as low as $1.99 per Kg, you eat till you SCARED.
2pm: Lunch, a once a week treat. The boyfriend insists
3pm: Visit supermarket
5pm: Laze till bed time

Can you believe that? We LAZEEEED that long. I told the boyfriend, we can't do this. We should go find some places to go, some parks, go picnic, whatever..but not waste time lazing.

On the other note, yesterday was fantastic at work. When its busy, you see team work and that's just so cool. Even the guy i used to detest, i don't detest so much now. On the not-so-busy days you see, the detestable guy will snatch and jump at EVERY opportunity to do some work. Very kiasu, and trying to curry favour. And because he is so jumpy, he always knocks into me!! My wrist's getting stronger at carrying plates, buy my hands are getting rougher too. Moisturize, moisturize, i'm not married yet!!

The lady boss was very pleased with us yesterday so we get to choose what we wanted to eat (yay, no more roast stuff!! I get to choose mee goreng (but NOTHING like singapore style), and today i have crispy beef and some other meat throw in by her for lunch. We even had snacks after our shift, and peach tea ($3 a bottle k. Soft drinks are NOT cheap here).

Spring is coming, i see birds chirping through my windows. The flies are getting out, found a bee in my room.

Yes, you work out quite a bit, but you put on just as much being in a restuarant. No, i do not pinch the food. But looking at what the customers are eating ignite my cravings!! Like, i immediately went to get spring rolls after seeing tables and tables and tables ordering that. And now i have craving for ice-cream cause lately i've been scooping them out for orders and i like making ice kachang!! Doesnt help that the supermarket next to the restaurant closes at 10pm, plenty of time for me after my shift. Darn.


Shyanne Browning said...

i would... send over mee goreng from sakura... but i can't.

Anonymous said...

knowing your appetite I don't think it is a very good proposition for you to work at a restaurant... you'll spend more on food than you'll earn... haha.

Anonymous said...

Better eat fruits n vege whenever on ur own since there is so much opportunity to eat meat. By the way, whenever u do eat meat incl fish i.e. protein, do not eat more than 20% carbohydrates or vice versa. The mixture will cause ill digestion which means more will be stored as fat. So says the nutritionist, so better listen.mnd.

Anonymous said...

One more comment - do not eat meat overnight. They collect bacteria easily even with a fridge...mnd