Saturday, September 01, 2007

One morning, i woke up to see a tanned young woman in my bathroom. For a moment, i thought i was in the wrong house. Or one of my housemates hired a maid. Wait till you see her name, you will know why i thought of that. ""

"'s friend." housemate's friend who stayed over the night. Initially, we all had our reservations about her. She came from China, just 4 days ago, did a home stay but apparently they treated her poorly. We asked her what race or nationality her home stay parents were, she gave a vague answer "i don't know, they look like me." Duh!

So she left and roamed the streets until she met my house mate! And a kind innocent soul she is, she brought her back into our house to live temporarily! She can even leave this stranger home alone in her room, with her possessions! Is this folly or pure goodness?

But so i started talking to this Maria, and she told me she's a Christain and showed me her Bible. I told her i could bring her to church this Sunday, and i even helped her find a house! I feel like a saint.

So, i feel a little sad that she's found a home and moving on now..the short 3 days she was here has kinda forged a tiny bond between me and her. I think its because of our common faith, she being a young believer, consulted me on a lot of things. From which home should she find, can she live with people of different religion etc. I am not exactly holy, so i answered best i could. Then it dawned upon me that i should just pray with her, so i don't have to stumble with answers! So i offered, and she took.

She still is kind of a country bumpkin i think. Her fashion made me snicker. Her name, initially too. Ok, fine, i admit, till now too. (She actually helped us clean our bathrooms!) The innocence just melts my hear, i suppose. She says she hope she can make us like her better by cleaning our bathrooms. Who says we don't like you, Maria?

And so she left, with a little present for us each.

A green apple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo proud of you that u made a difference in the life of a passer-by. who knows she may b an angel in disguise n u passed the heb 13:2/d