Monday, April 02, 2007

Broken tail Light

I am so proud of myself. I needed to get certain things fixed on my car, but had to wait for my friend to contact her mechanic ( don't understand why she cant give me his number. So secretive. But i guess its cause its a personal thing, and he only does such on weekends). I got tired of waiting (although i only rightfully got my car on friday), so i started asking around and my house mate's boyfriend suggested that i look for the parts i need at junkyards then finding someone to fix it in (its cheaper this way too). To validate the "cheaper this way", i went to the BP garage near my place to get a quote. He fixed my seat belt FOC (apparantly, all he needed to do was push it in, silly me) and quoted me $260 for the broken tail light. So i called numerous junk yards, finally found one having the bit i needed. I also asked the BP garage guy to teach me what to do with the engine oil, coolant, water and whatever liquid the car needs.

Then the boyfriend had school, and if i waited, the junkyard would have been closed. So, based on vague memory and rough guides...i found the junk yard ALL BY MYSELF!! I didnt even need to ask anyone for directions!

But i got bullied by this ang moh in his huge 4WD. He wouldn't give way!!

So i happily got the part i need for $160 and then was faced with another feat of finding my way home. Because i had to go round and round the industrial park looking for my junkyard, i lost my sense of direction. So i didnt exit the way i came in from. I did find my way home eventually, it got abit nerve wrecking at one stage because i was nearing the expressway already. And if i hadnt made a quick decision of what's next, i really wouldnt know where i will end up. And its going to be super hilarious if i had to call the boyfriend and say "I'm lost."

DId i say i am proud of myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you did say and u said it right at the beginning. But you deserve it...luv, mnd