Monday, August 13, 2007

Orange lemon fish

Trying out a new recipe tonight, they never turn out nice. Keeping my fingers crossed. Its steamed fish with the juices of oranges and lemons.

You know awhile back, i did a survey by a masters student (which i was paid $10 for filling the questionnaire out) which made me realize i do think quite badly of Asians in general. As in, i do not think they have affections, no empathy and selfish. It's just the culture i guess, we were brought up to be conservative (thus not usually affectionate), we are born in a competitive society (thus selfish) etc. But of course, there're qualities Asians have that Westerners do not have. Like hardworking, responsible etc.

I do not think the Westerners are any better than Asians, but i do think most of them are more big hearted in a way. Like at the supermarket, i was short of 50 cents. The old man in front of me paid that for me. He didn't need to do that, i could have put one item away. It wasn't a big sum, i know but this has never happened to me at home. I've seen people back home asking for change to make a phone call, and passer-bys can tell him "don't have".

Makes me think about myself as well, i ought to be more big hearted. Hopefully when i start, others will catch on.

Then again, is it because of my gender that's why i get special treatment?


Anonymous said...

If its' your gender, he will probably chat you up but he didn't. Real Christians are big hearted, hardworking and affectionate - all the good qualities of Asian and Westerner. Are you a real Christian?

RaGe FuRy said...

old people have more time to expand their hearts... how often do u see a young dude or babe who'd act the same way? Hmm...

Chrispy Tine said...

Idones,i met more rude old people than young ones leh.

then again, maybe they are leading a very 'sad' life thus the rude attitude so i pity them loh.