Monday, July 24, 2006

Back to School

My first day in school, I’m so excited. I’m quite determined to ace; because I’m passionate about this. I’m naturally quite blur, but due to an inquisitiveness, I usually kalang kabok quite well. Being in an undergraduate program is very different. You got to self enrol, plan your own time table etc. Very different from what I’ve done in Singapore. Now I know Singapore schools have it good.

I’ve already sent in my resume for a selection that will pay me above market rate to be involved in campus marketing plans.

Ivan: it pays to be organized. It’s good to start now by storing all your course syllabus, assignments and lecture notes. Categorize them and save as soft copies, and of course make back-ups of it. I’m regretting now for not being conscientious in doing that. But I’ll cope fine, perhaps will need your help in sending me notes! You doing public relations yet?

I think I’ve a personal caterer now. The boyfriend made and delivered me 2 lunchboxes so far. He calls it his ‘healthy meal’, lots of carrots and vegetables. Ha ha, maybe it’s cheaper than meat. (There’s no fresh fish sold in the supermarkets!)

Its delicious anyway, fills my stomach and my house mate brought a weighing scale! Hahaa, and you still say I bring too many nonsense stuff?

I went to church with Alvin yesterday, interesting. During praise and worship, a couple of ladies just kept waving their flags. They got tens of them, different colour and pattern. And got skill to wave them around one Ok. I think its akin to how some people clap hands or use the tamborine during P&W, they use flags.

Alot of Kam Yam people there as well, and they ALL know Xinci. Hahaaa, as said by Alvin.

Pictures now.. next post. Quite screwed now, either the network or my computer..sigh :(

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